Reorganisation of the desktop wiki pages

Cesare Tirabassi norsetto at
Mon Sep 22 12:41:10 BST 2008

On Monday 22 September 2008 13:04:39 Baptiste Mille-Mathias wrote:
> I'm happy there is such a tool to keep an eye on version even If I
> don't participate that much. Thanks

Thanks to you for your feedback.

> One problem I see is that the page suggest future unstable version as
> upstream - for instance metacity maintainers have already release a
> version 2.25.x for next cycle (2.26) and I'm not sure we want to stick
> with that version for intrepid :). Perhaps this is a corner -case that
> should be ironed-out; but this is not a showstopper.

I meant the script as a tool to check with the absolute latest upstream 
If this is a problem (or not the wished behaviour) I can easily modify the 
script so that it doesn't consider upstream versions above a given release.
In a previous version of the script I was checking by release and suite so the 
result was in line with your expectations, however, many packages which are 
maintained by the Ubuntu Desktop Team could not be found (while available on 
the Sources pages).

> > Any feedback is highly appreciated, especially if you think packages need
> > to be added or removed.

> On the page; under the
> section "Release Suites", you have a set of links with the various
> packages that are part of the GNOME release, and the dependencies.
> That can perhaps help you.

My problem is that many of these packages are not maintained by the Ubuntu 
Desktop Team, so I'm not sure that it is appropriate to list them all in this 
page; what I would really need is a list from the pov of the Ubuntu team.

Thanks for your help,


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