Desktop team meeting report, 2008-11-11
Martin Pitt
martin.pitt at
Tue Nov 11 16:27:55 GMT 2008
This is also available at
== Present ==
* Martin Pitt (pitti) -- chair
* Scott James Remnant (Keybuk)
* Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
* Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
* Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
* Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
== Apologies ==
* Alexander Sack (asac) -- holiday
* Bryce Harrington (bryce) -- national holiday
* Chris Cheney (calc) -- travelling
* Sebastien Bacher (seb128) -- national holiday
== Agenda ==
* Outstanding actions from last meeting
* [[|Sponsoring Overview update]]
* Review activity reports
* Any other business
== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==
* Martin to upload current PPA langpacks to hardy/intrepid-proposed -- deferred; there was a langpack-o-matic bug which broke KDE translation, which Martin fixed, and we were waiting for a new Rosetta export to get full KDE translations; ETA tomorrow
* Jonathan to track down who is working on bug #290695, set assignee, and clarify status -- nobody is working on it, he will look into it himself
== Actions from this meeting ==
* Everyone to think about what they would like to work on in Jaundy; we will discuss UDS preparations in next week's meeting.
== Team changes ==
Scott announced that next week will be his last meeting with the desktop team. He will be on holiday from the 22nd on, and there will be a new desktop team manager starting in December.
Matthew and Ken will move to the Visual/Creative Design team next week.
== Activity reports ==
=== Alexander Sack (asac) ===
No report received, on holiday.
=== Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje) ===
* langpack-o-matic: import new intrepid translations (full-export from Rosetta)
* cleaning up bugmail and follow up on some outstanding issues
* reorganizing my data on my laptop to make space for Jaunty development
* uploading hardy langpack updates
* doing some work on font-selector
=== Bryce Harrington (bryce) ===
* Worked on assigned bugs, updated todo lists
* Reviewed -intel quirks.
* Filed Hardy SRU for the 8xx pipea quirk, which has been sufficiently well tested now.
* Catch up on xorg, debian-x, etc. mailing lists
* Upstreamed 190857, 291053, 291045, 291040, 270690, 291055, 268853
* Triaged 500 new bugs across various xorg packages. Resulted in being able to close several score as fixed, or invalid due to unavailable hardware.
* Sponsor queue 1 hr (mainly just cleanup/review)
Assigned release targeted bugs:
* 284346 "Fix dithering" [Fix Committed]. Cherrypicked patches from upstream for this, packaged, tested, and submitted as SRU.
* 274234 "CD_INVALID_OPCODE" [Fix Committed]. Fix for 284346 should also fix this one.
* 278318 "video tearing". Not targeted, but regression worth review, that can probably be easily addressed by adding an xorg.conf option.
=== Chris Cheney (calc) ===
* Attended the OOoCon 2008 conference
* Bug triage
=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===
* Merging KDE packages with Debian
* Discussing UDS ideas
* Merging patches for system-config-printer-kde
* SRU for kdelibs 278602
* start packaging KDE 4.2 snapshot
=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===
Short report, 3 days...adjusting to new weekly meeting schedule.
* Finished design and made eps file for UDS armbands
* getting more informed/involved in gnome-art, attended meeting; collecting info for simplified 2D panel theme, gtk-css engine, etc.
* Updating Dust theme in community-themes includes 3 color variants which also look nice, coming soon in my PPA for testing
=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===
Currently open intrepid-updates targeted bugs: None
Non-chores work done:
* A ton of intrepid SRU processing and sponsoring
* Lots of merges; forwarded all relevant patches to Debian/upstream as appropriate
* Updated ConsoleKit to 0.3
* Updated hal to new git snapshot for patch cleanup, sent patches upstream
* Fixed my intrepid targetted bugs
* 9.04 planning phone calls
* set up for Jaunty
* f-spot, fast-user-switch-applet, gnome-games, gnome-pilot, gnome-settings-daemon, grub, grub-installer, initramfs-tools, mdadm, kde4libs
=== Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) ===
No report received.
=== Sebastien Bacher (seb128) ===
No report received, on holiday.
Martin Pitt |
Ubuntu Developer ( | Debian Developer (
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