Proposal: include Brasero by default

Jan Claeys lists at
Fri Jan 18 13:18:37 GMT 2008

Op donderdag 17-01-2008 om 22:29 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Jo-Erlend
> On 17/01/2008, Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:
> > Op dinsdag 15-01-2008 om 11:51 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Wouter
> > Stomp:
> > > I would also like to argue for this: Brasero does everything n-c-b
> > > does, and more.
> >
> > Does it provide all the context menu stuff in nautilus which I think is
> > actually n-c-b's strongest point?

> If you mean write to disk, then that's just a matter of adding the
> entry to the menu. You can burn an image to disk by running "brasero
> -i <iso file>", and you can burn the contents of the CD/DVD Writer
> window with "brasero -ncb", etc.

I was talking about the context menu for e.g. *.iso files (burn to disk)
and when a mounted CD/DVD is selected (which allows you to copy it to
another CD or make an image from it).  Maybe there are some other
integration things too that i don't use.

If Brasero is going to replace n-c-b, care should be taken to make sure
we don't lose any of this functionality.

Jan Claeys

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