Proposal: include Brasero by default

David Prieto Ucha frandavid100 at
Wed Jan 16 10:49:11 GMT 2008

Hi again Matthew,

Yes there is. That problem is less serious, because people who use photo
> or music management applications typically use them more frequently than
> they use nautilus-cd-burner, so they have more time to learn the
> inconsistencies. But it is still suboptimal that, for example, deleting
> an item in F-Spot, in Rhythmbox, and in Nautilus is done with three
> gratuitously different menu items.
> I didn't say "exactly like", I said "a strict superset of". And the
> reason not being a superset makes the app more complex is, as I also
> said in the part you snipped, "All these differences people shouldn't
> have to learn".

I understand your points, and although I strongly disagree with some of them
I can only accept your view on the subject and hope it's for the better -
I'm just a user, after all.

I still feel deeply uncomfortable about having two separate apps for disc
burning, though, so I would like to file some bugs in hopes that Brasero
will in upcoming versions be suitable even for beginners. I can start with
the ones you already said but, could you -if you have the spare time- say if
there is anything else you find unacceptable? And in case those issues are
solved for, say, Hardy+1, would it be OK to move Brasero to places → cd
creator, and ditch NCB altogether?


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