Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Andrea Veri bluekuja at
Thu Jan 10 17:42:10 GMT 2008

Flávio Martins ha scritto:
>  - There is however the transmission-cli package which provides a console
> client.

I guess this is not really needed... we have some other packages 
available to be used from the command line. (ctorrent for instance)

> Do you know if anybody is looking at the launchpad bugs for this one?

The MOTU-P2P takes care of every P2P-related package, so feel free to 
jump in if you wanna help out. (e.g with transmission)
I would like to create a good cooperation with the transmission 
maintainers from Debian having the package synced at every revision 
pop-up as gnome-bt does at the moment. Do you think is possible? Plus is 
Debian active in maintaining this package?

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