Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Thu Jan 10 16:53:32 GMT 2008

Andrea Veri wrote:
> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ha scritto:
>> That's not fair, as gnome-btdownload is installed by default :)
> Yes, but anyway if a certain user wants to use transmission because
> thinks it's definitely better than gnome-bt, is free and allowed to
> install it after all...and popcon should reach high numbers for that
> package as well (if it's *really* the best software around)...600+ users
> is not enough to promote a package to be installed as the main Torrent
> application for Ubuntu.

But still the comparison isn't fair IMHO. If there's a BitTorrent client
installed by default, most people won't install another one. I haven't tried
transmission or gnome-btdownload myself, so I can't (and won't) say whether we
should switch or stay as we are, but I just wanted to point out that wasn't a
good argument  ;)

And regarding how many users one application have, I think we shouldn't (only)
look at those numbers, but look at which one is better and more integrated (and
better maintained and...) and then make a decision on whether it's worth the
change or not.

I'd really like to know how many installations gnome-btdownload would have if it
wasn't installed by default...

Take care,

> Andrea

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