Proposing Transmission BitTorrent client as default

Flávio Martins xhaker at
Tue Jan 8 20:24:26 GMT 2008

 "Transmission is a fast, easy, and free multi-platform BitTorrent client
with a focus on being lightweight yet feature-filled."

I propose we replace, in the default installation, the packages
gnome-btdownload with transmission-gtk.

I think Transmission is very user friendly, and currently is the perfect
choice of BitTorrent client for the Gnome Desktop.
The Gtk+ client has a well-designed and simple user interface.
Fedora 8 ships transmission-gtk on their LiveCD and probably on the default
Gnome Desktop installation too.
For Mac OSX users Transmission is already the BitTorrent Client of choice.
Transmission[1] is an actively developed project, you can read more about it
on the dedicated wikipedia article[2].

The packages are in the official repositories, so fi you're interested,
just install the packages with the command: sudo apt-get install

Users of Hardy Heron will be installing version 1.0 of Transmission,
released this month.
Users of Ubuntu 7.10 will be running a earlier version 0.72, most similar to
what ships in Fedora 8.

So, I would like to hear back from you guys. Your opinions and concerns.

For Ubuntu developers:
Upstream uses Trac[3] for all the development tracking.
Ubuntu is currently taking Debian's source packages[4] with no changes.

Flávio Martins

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