Desktop Team Meeting, 2008-02-21
Scott James Remnant
scott at
Thu Feb 28 14:59:58 GMT 2008
For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.
== Present ==
* Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
* Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
* Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
* Martin Pitt (pitti)
* Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
* Michael Vogt (mvo)
* Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
* Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
* Ted Gould (tedg)
* Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)
== Agenda ==
* Review activity reports
* Any other business
== Other Business ==
seb128 raised a concern that Hardy feels slow to boot, login and run -
we should investigate this and compare bootcharts and experiences on
== Activity reports ==
=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===
* Package Qt 3.4.3
* FOSDEM trip, held successful packaging jam
* Spent most of the week working on the Kubuntu-KDE4 CD and did an
alpha release on Wednesday
* a couple hours of archive admin
* bug fixing!
No milestoned bugs
=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===
* touched up two gtkrc files and put them in the human theme package
(thanks mvo!). We are now using a theme based on the murrine engine -
please test it out and let me know what you think.
* package training and bizdev meeting in London. Due to another meeting
my meeting with bizdev didn't happen :-(
* tweaked next wallpaper alternative, including that today
=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===
Hardy spec assignments:
* no progress this week; my specs are by and large done
Unfixed milestoned bugs:
* 174128 (dhcp3 debconf question during upgrade, beta): tried to
reproduce, but works for me; set to needsinfo and asked Michael
* lots of bug fixing and bug triage across the board
* spent some hours on apport-retracer shepherding and firefighting;
p-lp-bugs and ever-changing LP HTML is a constant source of work
* Documented hal debugging procedures in the wiki for a hug day
* Gave developer week session about patching packages
* New langpacks for stables
=== Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) ===
* Gave feedback to Bryce Harrington on multi-display screen resolution
* Compiled <> based on
the brainstorming session at the Ubuntu team sprint.
=== Michael Vogt (mvo) ===
==== upgrades ====
* upgrade testing
* reading the forum feedback for upgrade/trying to reproduce issues
* debug/fix pre-requists fetching failure when
APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated is set
* SRU for update-manager
==== apt ====
* fix task install code for colin
* merge latest debian upload into ubuntu bzr
* fix bug in ddtp translations files generation
* debug problem in lzma debExtract() for cprov
* backport hardy python-apt to gutsy (for launchpad)
* add random sleep time before apts cron job starts to download (in
==== misc ====
* Fosdem
* Bug triage
* ddtp translations update
* fix i18n issues in gnome-app-install
* debug python-central issue and test new version
* packageKit apt help for glatzor
* sponsor font uploads
* work on language-selector UI for fine control what support levels to
select (with Arne)
==== traveling ====
* FOSDEM (weekend)
* packaging training in london (mon-thurs)
Next week:
* catchup on bugs from london
=== Mirco Müller (MacSlow) ===
==== spec-related work (hardy-desktop-effects-profiles) ====
* figure out how to only save plugins settings-values, but not its
==== spec-related work (gdm-face-browser) ====
* figure out how to do real implicit animations with clutter-0.6 for
==== misc ====
* trip to FOSDEM, Bruxelles
* trip to London (millbank-office) for package-training
* created gutsy- and hardy-ppa for latest cairo-clock-0.3.4
=== Sebastien Bacher (seb128) ===
* desktop bugs fixing
* lot of bug triage
* GNOME 2.21.92 updates
=== Ted Gould (tedg) ===
* Traveled to Server/Kernel team sprint in Boston for packaging
* Further about-this-computer cleanups
* Some additional cleanup of GPM bugs and debugging pages
Scott James Remnant
scott at
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