Panel resizing

Ted Gould ted at
Wed Nov 14 16:53:51 GMT 2007

On Tue, 2007-11-13 at 23:21 +0100, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 13.11.2007, 12:57 -0800 schrieb Ted Gould:
> > One of the UI reviews of Ubuntu Gutsy specifically mentioned that the
> > panel resizing was not good.  And specifically that in the world of SVG
> > icons it should be perfect.  Having never resized my panels I set out to
> > grab some screenshots:
> AFAIK the panel will be rewritten for GNOME 2.22. Such discussions
> should go upstream.

I guess I don't see this as entirely a panel issue, it seems to be more
of an "Applications that use the panel" issue.  Many of those are in the
panel packages, but folks like NetworkManager are some of the most
notable problems and not part of the panel package.

> Furthermore the font size should not change. If you choose to have a
> larger font the panel will be larger automatically.

That seems to be what everyone's leaning towards.  Should we be
specifying the panel size in points instead of pixels?


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