Tags for small bugs

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 20 06:26:05 GMT 2007

On Do, 2007-12-20 at 03:32 +0200, Murat Gunes wrote:
> I posted [1] to the Bug Squad mailing list about the possible
> consolidation of some bug tags, two of which are "ubuntulove" and
> "bitesize", the tags used for small bugs that are ideal for new
> contributors. I'm quoting the relevant part below.
> > 1) Why do we have two separate tags for small bugs that are ideal for
> > new contributors, namely, "ubuntulove" and "bitesize"? Is there a real
> > difference between them? If there is, it's not made clear
> > in /Bugs/Tags
> > at the moment. If one has been deprecated, it should be removed from
> > the
> > list.
> Brian Murray replied that he thought the MOTU team had added these tags,
> so I'd like to get your opinions on the issue.
> [1]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2007-December/000713.html

The 'ubuntulove' tag was (is?) used by the Ubuntu Desktop
team (remembering the http://live.gnome.org/GnomeLove iniative).
'ubuntulove' tasks were usually bugs that required some hacking, but
were not big enough to warrant a full Spec.

Sébastien: is this tag still used a lot? Do you think it makes sense to
merge 'ubuntulove' and 'bitesize'?

Have a nice day,

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