Feedback from What New Users Want BoF at ubucon

Petr Tomeš ptomes at
Thu Sep 14 08:02:35 BST 2006

2006/9/14, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg at>:
> Em Qua, 2006-09-13 às 20:21 +0200, Sebastien Bacher escreveu:
> > Le mardi 05 septembre 2006 à 00:43 -0700, Corey Burger a écrit :
> >
> > > I hate to do this, but I tagging this post again, because I did not
> > > get a response for either Sebastian Bacher or Daniel. Not set on the
> > > notification, but I would like to see the help icon restored.
> >
> > We discussed that on IRC, I don't like the option very much to have the
> > yelp icon as launcher on the panel because that's not something users
> > run daily and they should not have it on the screen all the time then.
> >
> > Some other options mentioned:
> > - having another menu label next to Applications, Places, System. My
> > opinion is that it would be too many too menus, especially for people
> > who change their configuration to use one panel
> If that's the case, why not have a new key to enable/disable "Help" as a
> toplevel menu?
> I don't think having 4 entries would be too much for a menubar. In fact,
> I think the top panel looks quite empty now, and even more so on
> widescreens. Also, "Help" is a toplevel menu in every single menubar on
> the system (all applications), except the panel.

This is one of reasons why not to do it. The another is that no important
operating system (Windows, Mac OS X) or desktop environment (GNOME, KDE,
XFCE) or Linux distribution (Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva) has this "top
level menu item" on panel. I think only KDE-based desktops have help icon on
main panel.
Help as a top level menu item would be useful for a relative small number
people and maybe only for not many times, so why we should discover whole
new ways of giving majority (or larga number of) users option to disable

Petr Tomeš

> Evandro
> --
> ubuntu-desktop mailing list
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