(Yet another) new logout dialog

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Thu Mar 30 20:13:00 BST 2006

Jorge Bernal wrote:
> On Thursday 30 March 2006 15:23, Eric Feliksik wrote:
>> You have a point there, but the explanation is not making things
>> complicated; it's only an acknowledgement of the fact that the *options*
>> are complicated.
> The point is that there are too many options
>> (...)
>> Whatever the subdivision is, if the help-stuff is subtle (for example at
>> the bottom), the help-stuff itself does not complicate things.
> Help is not bad by nature *but* the point here is that having to show help is 
> a symptom of bad design. A logout dialog should be simple enough to talk by 
> itself.

We can to make the dialog "talk by itself" with
1) distinctive icons
2) naming of options (hibernate, shutdown, reboot)
3) subdivision of options (possibly in different dialogs)
4) naming the subdivisions
5) ????

That's what's attempted in the current dialog, and also in 
http://librarian.launchpad.net/1632715/logout4x.png , although in a 
different way.

I agree with you that the dialog doesn't "talk by itself". This could be 
softened by a help-thing, which is better than nothing. But can we do 
something about the problem itself?

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