Desktop files

Adam Petaccia adam at
Fri Mar 17 01:56:19 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 20:11 -0500, Lukas Sabota wrote:

> I have filed these bugs in their proper places and Stefan is beginning
> to work on the ppracer one.  Perhaps a standard should arise for desktop
> entries.  I believe there is a fd.o standard, perhaps that should be
> used for the universe packages.  I haven't looked at the standard, but I
> believe a Wiki page should be created for creating desktop files.  To
> stay consistent, perhaps these basic points should be followed:
> 1)  Use proper spelling and capitalization, rather than the binary name
> for title.
I totally agree on this one, I don't know of programs that just use
their binary name, though.

> 2)  Have the title explain the program.  Example:  instead of "Totem",
> have "Totem Movie Player".
I'm in agreement here, too.

> 3)  Have tooltips begin with verbs.
Seems like a plan.

> I am in no means an expert in this field, but I do realize that some
> sort of consistency is needed in this area.  We should come up with a
> standard (or perhaps enforce the fd.o one?) and enforce it in universe
> and main.
I don't know how much Ubuntu touches Universe, but definitely in main
(of course, if Ubuntu _does_ touch Universe packages like that, then of

> What are your thoughts and ideas on this matter?
Lets start sending patches.

> God bless,
> Lukas 
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