Logout dialog

Tristan Wibberley maihem at maihem.org
Thu Mar 2 20:17:29 GMT 2006

Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:


> That would solve your father's problem, but at the expense of making 
> switching extremely difficult to find. I rather think the item needs to 
> be renamed to express the idea that it's *temporary* switching. "Switch 
> User" is awful, awful wording.

How about "Lock Session/Dual Login"?

> In the medium term, the difference between "Sleep" and "Hibernate" 
> should be abolished by letting Sleep suspend to disk *and* to RAM. So if 
> you have power, waking up works quickly; and if you lose power for any 
> reason, waking up still works. (This would also lessen the need to 
> maintain lists of hardware for which the "Sleep" command should or 
> should not be available.)

As long as the user gets clear feedback that they should not turn off 
the mains power yet. On a related note, how much harm can cutting the 
power while in the process of hibernating do compared to cutting the 
power while running normally?

> In the long term, the difference between "Sleep" and "Shut Down" could 
> be abolished the same way: the computer could automatically turn itself 
> off once it had been sleeping for a configurable period.

I think the real full shutdown has a particular meaning (ie, the ability 
to open the case and replace non hotplug hardware). It is probably too 
dangerous to do this.

Tristan Wibberley

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