gnome taskbar
dan trevino
dantrevino at
Thu Jun 15 08:48:10 BST 2006
I know this is a GNOME issue, not an Ubuntu one, but IMO, there needs to
be a discussion on the taskbar, system tray, and notifications.
As was brought up recently on OSnews, there are some issues with the
taskbar. ( ) Recently on
Ubuntu blog, there was a post regarding a tool call 'alltray', which
enables any application to be minimized to the system tray. Something I
just happened to be looking for at the time. Its a nice tool, but only
works one app at a time.
( )
IMO, this 'minimize to an icon' functionality should be the default for
all applications. It would solve the variable size taskbar issue (if it
really is one). Basically this would amount to not showing the app
title in the taskbar. It would also get rid of some inconsistencies.
For example, why does gaim go to the system tray, but epiphany doesn't?
I know gaim doesn't _have_ to go there, but you get my point. How is
the behavior of gaim or amarok or whatever sitting in the system tray
any different from firefox or openoffice when they are minimized? A app
running is an app running, no?
Also, with more apps beginning to use galago now I'm seeing
notifications in two different areas. Bottom right corner and system
tray (which could be anywhere).
So, where do notifications really belong?
Why are apps minimizing to the 'system' tray? (If an app is running,
its running)
Can't we minimize to an icon and leave the app name to a tooltip?
Whatcha think?
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