Restoring the Lock Screen menu item

Sebastian Heinlein glatzor at
Fri Jul 14 16:03:32 BST 2006

Am Donnerstag, den 13.07.2006, 18:55 -0700 schrieb Corey Burger:
> Hello all,
> Late in the dapper cycle we removed the lock screen menu item. I think
> we should restore it, for the following reasons:
> 1. It is used many times a day, as whereas the rest of the items on
> the logout dialog are rarely used more than once per day

Depends on the user. I nearly only use the shutdown button and never
touch the log out button.

> 2. Using the logout dialog is slow. You need to wait the extra 1-2
> secs for the dialog to pop

Perhaps we will get a speed up by using aiglx alpha blending. But I
don't know if this is achievable in the edgy time frame. As a benefit we
would also get better a11y support for gksu.

> 3. The system menu is not cluttered

Does upstream plan to redesign the two panel layout for 2.16?

> Please, lets keep this on topic and not devolve into a discussion of
> the rest of the logout dialog.

I don't think that you can separate the discussion of the menu item and
the discussion of the whole log out dialog. 

Since if you only add an log out item it would be quite confusing: what
should be the difference between log out and quit?

Alternatively you can activate the upstream GNOME dialog and menu
entries by enabling the gconf key /apps/panel/global/upstream_session



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