Selecting music for example-content

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Tue Feb 21 12:23:20 GMT 2006

Sandis Neilands wrote:
> Right! And what's the point of including firefox or thunderbird on the
> cd which are only usable, if one have internet connection? I mean we
> could include bookmarks to their download's page or something. On
> windows the outdated firefox and thunderbird will try to upgrade
> themselves anyway!
Only firefox of those (+OOo and Gaim) included ATM. You are right that 
it does soon become outdated, but it's the #1 killer app of the FOSS 
world. Any way we can help spread and promote it or even just associate 
ourselves with it is a good thing. On dial-up even the 5meg download 
might be prohibitive and some people have qualms about installing stuff 
from the internet, but less so from a nice CD.

- Henrik

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