Selecting music for example-content

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Sun Feb 19 21:14:27 GMT 2006

Lionel Dricot (aka Ploum) wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that if you open a "Content Contest", a lot of artist 
> will try to make a good sample with the license you want !
> I will speak to some friends ;-)
Cool. OK, so here are the licenses that are acceptable for the 

 * GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT or similar free software license that we already 
commonly use for the software in main an universe

 * Creative Commons with the any of the following clauses: Attribution, 
Share Alike

* Public Domain - though here we need to be careful about checking the 

The obviously unacceptable CC licenses are Non-Commercial and 
No-Derivatives. All the sampling licenses are no-go as well because they 
restrict what you can do with derivatives.

There does seem to be some stuff under acceptable licenses like this 

- Henrik

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