(Yet another) new logout dialog

Jorge Bernal koke at amedias.org
Wed Apr 5 16:03:24 BST 2006

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 11:54, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> So after much discussion the global opinion is something like this:
> 1) Some like the fancy dialog, some don't

It's consistency over fanciness. Fanciness makes geeks happy. Consistency 
makes better user experience. What do we want?

> 2) Most people agree that the dialog is not completely self-explanatory

This is because of too many options, not icons or labels. I can imagine the 
user shouting "I just want to shutdown the *$% computer".

> 3) because of 2), the sabdfl is in favor of explanatory text (and that's
> the obligatory global opinion then :))

Even sabdfl can be wrong ;) I understand his figure is there for situations 
like this, but the fact he can decide if it's going to happen or not doesn't 
make it a better or worse idea. Also if he thinks that's the final word, he 
just have to say that and discussion is over (well, in theory).

> 4) We all want to offer the user information, but in an implicit/subtle
> way (icons, ordering, short texts) as much as possible (instead of long
> texts)

Simple buttons should be enough

> http://librarian.launchpad.net/1632715/logout4x.png could also use an
> explanatory text, but the end/pause-session division gives us info that
> the icons *don't* (namely, does this log you out or not)
> In the current division (keeprunning/powerdown), the info given is
> redundant (because the powerdown-options have a power-icon, *and* are at
> the bottom)
> (SOCIAL NOTE: I restate this, and restate this, maybe to your annoyment.
> Please let me know. I received only a few comments, of which most were
> positive, but further it was mostly ignored. I restate this because I
> feel *lots* of criticism on the current dialog are taken away to some
> extent by this division and the text-headers. If you think this idea
> sucks, *let me know* !)

Jorge Bernal Ordovás <jbernal at warp.es>
Warp Networks S.L.
http://warp.es/ || http://amedias.org/

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