Floppy Formatter

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 29 12:19:05 GMT 2005

Le mercredi 28 décembre 2005 à 12:32 -0500, Lukas Sabota a écrit :
> Am I blind, or has the Floppy Formatter utility disappeared from the 
> applications menu in Dapper?


That's one of the changes of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenusRevisited

> Also, gfloppy required root permissions to be run.  What's the deal with 
> that?

It doesn't, it require to be a member of the floppy group. Current
dapper udev creates a /dev/fd0 with a "640" instead of "660" mode
though, nothing to do with GNOME

Sebastien Bacher

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