Ubuntu Desktop Newsfeed?

Vincent Untz vuntz at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 18 20:13:47 GMT 2005

Le dimanche 18 décembre 2005 à 15:30 +0100, Paulus Esterhazy a écrit :
> Hello ubuntu-desktop,


> are there any plans to make Ubuntu Desktop News available as a RSS/Atom
> newsfeed? I tend to find feed subscriptions easier to read and manage
> (and web2.0 compilant) than receiving news through a mailing list.

There are some plans for this. I'm not sure when they will meet reality,
though :-)

But you can already subscribe to the low-traffic ubuntu-news mailing
list or use a service that provides an rss feed for it (eg:

> Having said that, I really liked the first issue. Many thanks to Vincent
> for working on it!

Thanks go to all the desktop team, not just me :-)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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