nxserver konfiguration
Tomasz Petersohn
tomaszpetersohn at wp.pl
Die Aug 8 21:47:12 BST 2006
ich habe folgendes problem:
ich habe nxserver installiert, nun starte ich nxsetup.
welche .config verwendet nxsetup?
eigentlich sollte es ja die /etc/nxserver/node.conf sein. aber scheint
nicht, denn:
#root at doppelklix:/etc/nxserver# nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key
#Setting up /etc/nxserver ...done
#Setting up /var/lib/nxserver/db ...done
#Setting up /var/log/nxserver.log ...done
#Setting up known_hosts and authorized_keys2 ...done
#Setting up permissions ...done
#----> Testing your nxserver configuration ...
#Warning: Could not find nxdesktop in /usr/lib/nx. RDP sessions won't
#Warning: Could not find nxviewer in /usr/lib/nx. VNC sessions won't
#Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_KDE=startkde"
# Users will not be able to request a KDE session.
#Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_CDE=cdwm"
# Users will not be able to request a CDE session.
#Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBMOUNT=smbmount". You'll not be able
#to use SAMBA.
#Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBUMOUNT=smbumount". You'll not be
#able to use SAMBA.
# Warnings occured during config check.
# To enable these features please correct the configuration file.
#<---- done
so sieht meine node.conf aber gar nicht aus ... ich habe nur Gnome als
session angegeben.
ausserdem, wo ist dieser [i]authorized_keys2[/i]