[OT+LONG] reportbug ubuntu vs. debian War: Turboprint
funktioniert nicht mit Dapper
Gerhard Gaußling
ggrubbish at web.de
Son Apr 30 16:01:34 BST 2006
Am Sonntag, 30. April 2006 14:53 schrieb Thilo Six:
> Gerhard Gaußling wrote the following on 30.04.2006 13:22:
> > Und das Beste: Alles geht in der Shell, ohne überhaupt eine
> > grafische Oberfläche installiert haben zu müssen, und ohne sich
> > über launchpad nach malone hangeln zu müssen. Ich habe einige
> > minuten gebraucht, um eine Suchmaske für bugreports zu finden, um
> > zu schauen, ob nicht schon ein bugreport existiert.
> >
> > Auch könnte man sich eine Integration/Zusammenarbeit der ubuntu und
> > debian BTS vorstellen, um das bug-hunting zu optimieren, und z.B.
> > im ubuntu BTS gelöste bugs, die in debian BTS noch offen sind dort
> > zu schließen und vice versa.
> >
> > Falls es eine Alternative zu reportbug geben sollte, so könnte man
> > es besser aus ubuntu herausschmeißen, als es so verstümmelt weiter
> > anzubieten.
> >
> > Gerhard
> Ich habe mir reportbug jetzt mal angesehn und krieg es aber nicht
> hin. Wie lautet der parameter für diese Ausgabe?
> --template macht hier garnix.
$ reportbug cupsys
Und den Anweisungen folgen. Aus dem Editor dann per copy&paste
extrahieren, und reportbug abbrechen, damit das ganze nicht in ubuntu
users bzw. (auf debian systemen) im debian BTS landet, es sei denn das
ist beabsichtigt. (Beispiel und Vergleich siehe weiter unten).
> Hmmm
> Was die Kritik angeht. Ich denke da merkt man, dass bei Ubuntu 40 und
> nicht 400 leute arbeiten.
Ja, das jkann man den Entwicklern nicht verdenken, was ich aber nicht
verstehe, weshalb die Entwickler in diese Personalsituation nicht das
gute reportbug anpassen, anstatt das Rad neu erfinden zu wollen.
> Aber so wie ich das sehe, wird an einer
> solchen oder ähnlichen Lösung bereits gearbeitet:
> $ aptitude search launchpad-integration
> i | 0.1.2 | launchpad-integration | launchpad integration |77.8kB
> $ apt-cache show launchpad-integration
> Package: launchpad-integration
> [...]
> Description: launchpad integration
> The launchpad-integration tools provide an easy way to set menu
> items, for an application using GtkUIManager, pointing to the
> launchpad pages about a package. Users can get information about the
> used application here, translate it, ...
Ah, danke. Das kannte ich noch nicht. Ich werde mir das mal anschauen.
Ich hoffe, dass als Grundlage ein Shellprogramm o.ä. dient, das auch
auf der commandline funktioniert, schließlich soll es ja auch eine
servervariante von ubuntu geben...
> Ist zwar ein GUI basierter Ansatz, passt aber wohl eher zu der
> Philosophie von Ubuntu .... und wer sagt, dass diese Möglichkeiten
> zukünftig nicht noch erweitert werden?
> Vlt. hat ja einer der hier Anwesenden das Know-How und den Willen
> sich in diesem Bereiach zu engagieren?
> (mir fehlt leider ersteres)
Mir wohl beides, wenn ich auf die mir zur Verfügung stehende Zeit
Im Anhang mal eine Gegenüberstellung von reportbug in ubuntu(dapper) und
debian (sarge).
$ reportbug cupsys
*** Welcome to reportbug. Use ? for help at prompts. ***
Using 'Gerhard Gaussling <ggrubbish at web.de>' as your from address.
Detected character set: UTF-8
Please change your locale if this is incorrect.
You appear to be using the "vi" editor, which is not suited for new
users. You probably want to change this setting by
using "update-alternatives --config editor" as root. (You can bypass
this message in the future by using reportbug in
"standard" mode or higher.) Do you want to continue? [y|N|q|?]? y
Getting status for cupsys...
Will send report to Ubuntu (per request).
Maintainer for cupsys is 'Debian CUPS Maintainers
<pkg-cups-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>'.
Looking up dependencies of cupsys...
*** The following debconf settings were detected:
* cupsys/raw-print: true
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb
cupsys/browse: false
Include these settings in your report [Y|n|q|?]?
Please briefly describe your problem (you can elaborate in a moment; an
empty response will stop reportbug). This
should be a concise summary of what is wrong with the package, for
example, "fails to send email" or "does not start
with -q option specified."
> test
Rewriting subject to 'cupsys: test'
How would you rate the severity of this problem or report?
1 critical makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole
system) break, or causes serious data loss, or
introduces a security hole on systems where you
install the package.
2 grave makes the package in question unusable by most or all
users, or causes data loss, or introduces a
security hole allowing access to the accounts of users
who use the package.
3 serious is a severe violation of Debian policy (that is, the
problem is a violation of a 'must' or 'required'
directive); may or may not affect the usability of the
package. Note that non-severe policy
violations may be 'normal,' 'minor,' or 'wishlist'
bugs. (Package maintainers may also designate
other bugs as 'serious' and thus release-critical;
however, end users should not do so.)
4 important a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a
package, without rendering it completely
unusable to everyone.
5 does-not-build a bug that stops the package from being built from
source. (This is a 'virtual severity'.)
6 normal a bug that does not undermine the usability of the
whole package; for example, a problem with a
particular option or menu item.
7 minor things like spelling mistakes and other minor cosmetic
errors that do not affect the core
functionality of the package.
8 wishlist suggestions and requests for new features.
Please select a severity level: [normal] 4
Spawning vi...
Subject: cupsys: test
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.1.99.rc3-0ubuntu1
Severity: important
*** Please type your report below this line ***
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT prefers dapper-updates
APT policy: (500, 'dapper-updates'), (500, 'dapper-security'),
(500, 'dapper')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Kernel: Linux 2.6.15-21-amd64-generic
Locale: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Versions of packages cupsys depends on:
ii adduser 3.80ubuntu2 Add and remove users and
ii debconf [debconf- 1.4.72ubuntu3 Debian configuration
management sy
ii gs-esp 8.15.1.dfsg.1-1ubuntu4 The Ghostscript PostScript
ii libc6 2.3.6-0ubuntu17 GNU C Library: Shared
libraries an
ii libcupsimage2 1.1.99.rc3-0ubuntu1 Common UNIX Printing
System(tm) -
ii libcupsys2 1.1.99.rc3-0ubuntu1 Common UNIX Printing
System(tm) -
ii libgnutls12 1.2.9-2ubuntu1 the GNU TLS library -
runtime libr
ii libldap2 2.1.30-12ubuntu3 OpenLDAP libraries
ii libpam0g 0.79-3ubuntu12 Pluggable Authentication
Modules l
ii libpaper1 1.1.14ubuntu8 Library for handling paper
ii libslp1 1.2.1-5 OpenSLP libraries
ii lsb-base 3.0-12ubuntu3 Linux Standard Base 3.0
init scrip
ii patch 2.5.9-2 Apply a diff file to an
ii perl-modules 5.8.7-10ubuntu1 Core Perl modules
ii procps 1:3.2.6-2ubuntu4 /proc file system utilities
ii xpdf-utils [poppl 3.01-7build1 Portable Document Format
(PDF) sui
ii zlib1g 1:1.2.3-6ubuntu4 compression library -
Versions of packages cupsys recommends:
ii cupsys-client 1.1.99.rc3-0ubuntu1 Common UNIX Printing
System(tm) -
ii foomatic-filters 3.0.2-20060318-2 linuxprinting.org printer
ii smbclient 3.0.22-1ubuntu1 a LanManager-like simple
client fo
-- debconf information:
* cupsys/raw-print: true
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb
cupsys/browse: false
No changes were made in the editor.
Report will be sent to "Ubuntu Bug Tracking System"
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Submit this report on cupsys (e to edit) [y|n|a|c|E|i|l|m|p|q|?]?
y - Submit the bug report via email.
n - Don't submit the bug report; instead, save it in a temporary file.
a - Attach a file.
c - Change editor and re-edit.
E - (default) Re-edit the bug report.
i - Include a text file.
l - Pipe the message through the pager.
m - Choose a mailer to edit the report.
p - Print message to stdout.
q - Don't submit the bug report; instead, save it in a temporary file.
? - Display this help.
Submit this report on cupsys (e to edit) [y|n|a|c|E|i|l|m|p|q|?]? q
reportbug stopped; your incomplete report is stored
as "/tmp/reportbug-cupsys-20060430-8234-1vQoHH". This file may be
located in a temporary directory; if so, it might disappear without any
further notice.
gerhard at ubuntu:/etc/logcheck$
Und nun um zu sehen wie viel besser reportbug in debian integriert ist
nur mal so den Anfang der session auf sarge wiederholt. Ganz davon
abgesehen, dass der bugreport direkt mit bugnummer im debian BTS
landet, und man eine Eingangsbestätigung mit weiteren Informationen vom
BTS per email zugesandt bekommt:
DEBIAN sarge:
$ reportbug cupsys
Warning: no reportbug configuration found. Proceeding in novice mode.
Using '"Gerhard Gau�ling" <gerhard at pv10.ncsrv.de>' as your from address.
Detected character set: ISO-8859-15
Please change your locale if this is incorrect.
Getting status for cupsys...
Which of the following packages is the bug in?
1 cupsys Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
2 cupsys-bsd Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD commands
3 cupsys-client Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - client programs
4 libcupsimage2 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - image libs
5 libcupsimage2-dev Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - image
development files
6 libcupsys2 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - dummy libs for
7 libcupsys2-dev Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - development
8 libcupsys2-gnutls10 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
Select one of these packages: 1
Querying Debian BTS for reports on cupsys (source)...
313 bug reports found:
Outstanding bugs -- Serious policy violations; Unclassified (2 bugs)
1) #304066: Prompted about unmodified conffile
2) #343682: cupsys: dummy bug to block current cupsys goes testing
Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Patch Available (2 bugs)
3) #217257: gnome-cups-manager: Can't connect to CUPS server in
mixed ipv4/ipv6 environment.
4) #358186: foomatic-filters-ppds: Installed PPDs not accessable
from CUPS
Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Confirmed (2 bugs)
5) #275228: libcups shouldn't assume an IPP server on localhost
6) #301119: cupsys: strips Charset part from LANG environment
variable passed to filter
Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Unclassified (19 bugs)
7) #215468: cupsys tries to use malformed device URIs
133) #245378: cupsys: [CGI] CUPS-Get-Printers request failed -
server-error-internal-error (500)
(90-133/313) Is the bug you found listed above [y|N|m|r|q|s|f|?]?
Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; Unclassified (17 bugs)
134) #193069: cupsys: /etc/printcap.cups left behind
242) #343536: Debconf question has a too high priority
243) #343623: Duplicate Ports 631 entry causes cupssys to fail to
244) #362198: [bogus] "send before think report"
(200-244/313) Is the bug you found listed above [y|N|m|r|q|s|f|?]?
Please briefly describe your problem (you can elaborate in a moment; an
empty response will stop reportbug). This
should be a concise summary of what is wrong with the package, for
example, "fails to send email" or "does not start
with -q option specified."
y - Problem already reported; optionally add extra information.
N - (default) Problem not listed above; possibly check more (skip to
Next page).
m - Get more information about a bug (you can also enter a number
without selecting "m" first).
r - Redisplay the last bugs shown.
q - I'm bored; quit please.
s - Skip remaining problems; file a new report immediately.
f - Filter bug list using a pattern.
? - Display this help.
(1-31/313) Is the bug you found listed above [y|N|m|r|q|s|f|?]? 356500
Retrieving report #356500 from Debian bug tracking system...
Original report - #356500: cupsys: doesn't print (not even testpage),
Renderer fails (exit stat: 9)
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 14:27:33 +0100
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.1.23-15
Severity: important
my cups installation stopped working, after working for a long time.
Last successful print was about a month ago (I did not try it in the
last weeks).
The /var/log/cups/error_log suggests, that the renderer fails:
D [12/Mar/2006:13:52:24 +0100] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [12/Mar/2006:13:52:37 +0100] StopJob: printer state is 5
I report this a bug, since I didnt change the configuration, I only
update the debian every few days (apt-get update && apt-get
but if this is a problem with my configuration or another package,
tell me.
Joerg Beyer
-- System Information:
-- debconf information:
* cupsys/raw-print: true
cupsys/ports: localhost:631
* cupsys/backend: ipp, lpd, socket, usb
cupsys/browse: true
What do you want to do now? [N|x|o|r|b|q|?]?
N - (default) Show next message (followup).
x - Provide extra information.
o - Show other bug reports (return to bug listing).
r - Redisplay this message.
b - Launch web browser to read full log.
q - I'm bored; quit please.
? - Display this help.
What do you want to do now? [N|x|o|r|b|q|?]? q
Nothing new to report; exiting.
gerhard at pv10:~$
Man kann also sehr schön durch die Liste der vorhandenen bugs scrollen,
sich die einzelnen anzeigen lassen, und seinen bugreport anhängen,
einen neuen verfassen, oder reportbug jederzeit abbrechen, wenn der bug
schon in der Liste sein sollte, und es nicht nötig ist einen eigenen zu
reportbug sammelt dan alle nötigen Daten, bis auf backtraces etc.
(Vorteil z.B. von bug-buddy), die gesondert angefertigt werden müssen,
und bietet an an einer bestimmten Stelle seinen Reoprt zu verfassen,
und ans BTS zu senden.
Also mir gefiel das immer sehr gut.