[dct] Focus on QA collaboration

Luk Claes luk at debian.org
Sun Oct 14 16:57:04 BST 2007


As vorlon is now apparantly part of the Release Team of Ubuntu I thought
it is the perfect time to start having better collaboration between
Debian and Ubuntu regarding quality assurance.

It looks like Ubuntu QA is for a big part focused on improving bug
reports, though that doesn't have to stop us from taking it on a broader
level :-)

Main things were collaboration could benefit both Debian and Ubuntu QA
AFAICS are exchanging information on tools used and if possible using
the tools on both sides. It looks like Debian can also learn from
Ubuntu's process centered view, maybe Ubuntu can learn more about some
of the new Debian QA efforts like package removal efforts?



PS: Yes, this is actually just my 'Hi I'm also here ;-)' mail :-)
PS2: Do we have an IRC channel, if not do you mind if I start one?

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