[ubuntu-cym] Ubuntu Global Jam Wales

Christopher Swift christopher.swift at ubuntu-cym.org
Fri Jan 22 19:58:33 GMT 2010

Hello all,  after last year's successful jam I believe that it's
high-time that we started to plan the next one due at the end of
March.  We have the options of doing one of the following jams (reply
with more if you can think of any):

 * Bugs - finding, triaging and fixing bugs.
 * Testing - testing the new release and reporting your feedback.
 * Upgrade - upgrading to Lucid from Hardy or Karmic and reporting
your upgrade experience.
 * Documentation - writing documentation about how to use Ubuntu and
how to join the community.
 * Translations - translating Ubuntu and helping to make it available
in everyone's local language.
 * Packaging - work on Ubuntu packages and improve them.
 * Other - other types of contribution such as marketing, packaging,
advocacy etc.

This is definitely up for review and discussion but I think the best
for us a team would be in this order:  Testing, Upgrading, Bugs,
Documentation & Translations.  The reasons for not attempting
packaging is that there are not many team members with packaging
experience and it can take up to any hour to set everything up
correctly including pbuilder and other such tools.  With translations
our main focus will of course be Welsh followed by British English (to
kill any Americanisms).

Much more information can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam .

Now for our plans as a LoCo team, we will undoubtedly have an IRC
meeting soon to discuss any plans being made on the mailing list,  but
what we really need to narrow down is:
A) Choice of location(s).  How many areas of Wales are willing to Jam
and what locations will they be using?
B) Choice of jam(s).  At each venue there ought to be volunteers to
help out with certain types of jamming,  I'll be willing to help out
with them all bu of course sharing the workload would be really
C) Timetable of events.  Obviously it will be chaos having more than
one Jam at a location if we don't allocate times to focus on
particular activities and start off with introductions and shared
testing bugs so we had better plan out our days in advance.
D)  List of interested attendees.  If you are interested in Jamming
and attending with the rest of us then please respond to this email so
we can get a rough estimate of heads to better plan our event.

Now I'm sure that a lot of you out there have better ideas and our
questions to go through so please feel free to ask them and I'll try
to respond to them as will the rest of the team.

Looking forward to your responses,
Christopher Swift.

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