[ubuntu-cym] shwmae pawb

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Dec 18 23:04:22 GMT 2009

Hi all

Great to see more support for the Ubuntu Cymru LoCo!

If you don't know already, there is a forum thread that you could paste 
your introductions into. It's less ephemeral than email and is a place 
where people can go to remind themselves of who's who.  The forum 
link is


Also, if anyone wants to have a go at a few Welsh translations, there 
is a Welsh translators team on Launchpad


which could do with all the help it can get.  It also has a meeting on 
irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-cymraeg at 19.00 tomorrow, if you want to 
join in.


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