OpenSSL, Bind, NTP vulnerabilities

Savvas Radevic vicedar at
Sat Jan 10 10:46:17 GMT 2009

You are advised to upgrade and reboot your system as soon as possible
if you are using the Internet.

USN-706-1: Bind vulnerability:
It was discovered that Bind did not properly perform certificate
verification. When DNSSEC with DSA certificates are in use, a remote
attacker could exploit this to bypass certificate validation to spoof
DNS entries and poison DNS caches. Among other things, this could lead
to misdirected email and web traffic.

USN-705-1: NTP vulnerability:
It was discovered that NTP did not properly perform signature
verification. A remote attacker could exploit this to bypass
certificate validation via a malformed SSL/TLS signature.

USN-704-1: OpenSSL vulnerability:
It was discovered that OpenSSL did not properly perform signature
verification on DSA and ECDSA keys. If user or automated system
connected to a malicious server or a remote attacker were able to
perform a man-in-the-middle attack, this flaw could be exploited to
view sensitive information.

Important Note: openssl upgrade requires a reboot for changes to take effect!

All Ubuntu security notices can be viewed at:

Savvas aka medigeek

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