Intrepid Ibix Release Party Booked!

Theodotos Andreou theo at
Fri Sep 5 07:59:43 BST 2008

Regarding Cameras we will try to see if TEPAK has any team that can help
us otherwise we will hire somebody to to it.

Regarding Mass Media they promised to put announcements on Newspapers
and Radio.

Regarding Presentations we have not finally ended up what we will
present but we expect something  like:

16:00  Intro to Linux/Free/Open Source (same as last party) - Slides in
Greek/English, Lecture in Greek

17:00 Advantages of Linux in Business - Slides in Greek/English, Lecture
in Greek

18:00 Installation of Ubuntu Server as a PDC using the eBox platform -
No Slides/Demo, Lecture in Greek

19:00 Education and Scientific Application - Slides in Greek/English,
Lecture in Greek

Computer Lab:
17:00 Hands on pattern matching: Grep/Sed/Awk and friends. Lecture in Greek.

We will also like to have some presentations in English so volunteers
are wanted.

This party is expected to be much more organised and structured than the
last one and if we have videos to prove it we will be closer to our goal
of becoming Official Loco Team in Cyprus.

Sav vas wrote:
> Great news!
> Unfortunately, my exam period goes until november, I'm not sure if
> I'll be able be able to attend to the party. But get your cameras
> ready, I'd love to present this to the loco-contacts and to the ubuntu
> community council, if this party is a success like the last one, it
> could help making the ubuntu-cy loco team an official ubuntu local
> community team :)
> By the way, what kind of mass media are we talking about?
> Has anyone made a list of the what the presentations will include?

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