Intrepid Ibix Release Party Booked!

gxrisan gxrisan at
Fri Sep 5 07:18:07 BST 2008

Dear Andrey, the community's main objective is to promote Linux in
Cyprus, if the name of the distro is red hat, ubuntu, fedora,suse, etc.
is not a concern to us.
Of course we will have Fedora machines in the release party and if you
have anything that you would like to present during the presentation,
since we dont have at the moment an English presentation, you are more
than welcome to contribute!!
Also in the official announcement of the party we will include Fedora.
Thank you and i hope that i'll see you all in the party

Andrey Vystavkin wrote:
> It's nice to see, that there's some activity in Linux community in Cyprus,
> hopefully it won't die in few months as previous ones, i.e. Cylug.
> The question is, if this release party will be dedicated only for Ubuntu
> distro, or Fedora 10 as well, which will take place in November?
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Sav vas <vicedar at> wrote:
>> Great news!
>> Unfortunately, my exam period goes until november, I'm not sure if
>> I'll be able be able to attend to the party. But get your cameras
>> ready, I'd love to present this to the loco-contacts and to the ubuntu
>> community council, if this party is a success like the last one, it
>> could help making the ubuntu-cy loco team an official ubuntu local
>> community team :)
>> By the way, what kind of mass media are we talking about?
>> Has anyone made a list of the what the presentations will include?
>> --
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