Intrepid Ibix Release Party Booked!

Cyprus Ubuntu Loco Team info at
Thu Sep 4 16:07:02 BST 2008

Today we had a brief meeting with the head of Computing and Technology
Services in TEPAK <> and they have agreed to host
the Release Party we are organizing for Interpid Ibix (Ubuntu 8.10). We
have booked a 100 seat Amphitheater for the presentations and 2 Computer
labs with 30+30 computer seats where the workshops are going to take
place. They also offered to sponsor snacks and beverages (beers excluded
:) ) and they will promote the event through mass media. The event will
take place on the 8th of November and it expected to ROCK!

More details are coming!

A big thanks goes to the nice people at Cyprus University of
Technology(TEPAK) !
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