Site manager and design, styles and themes

Sav vas vicedar at
Fri May 23 16:28:16 BST 2008

Agreed, postponing the design, unless someone wants to start right away :P
php is generally acceptable as a website programming language, and
it's easy to manage, but if you find something easier, be my guest :)
It's really more of a personal suggestion to use phpBB, but everything
that makes your job easier is easier to the rest of us as well!

As I said I don't mind what you use on each "department" of the loco
team (and probably no-one does), as long as there are:
- clear comments in the code
- good documentation that follows the software of choice (what each
part of code does etc)

I'm strongly recommending to bear these two in mind, in case anyone
drops out of maintenance and someone else wants to take it from where
they left :)

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