Re: Απολογισμός Πάρτι - Results of the Party

Sav vas vicedar at
Wed May 21 11:57:41 BST 2008

You have organized a GREAT release party & presentation, I never
expected attendance of 50 persons :)
The journalists will come with the crowd eventually. I have tried to
contact them in the first ever presentation, none of them attended the
first presentation.
So let's not rush things, we have to wait at least one more release
party before filling up any applications.

In the meantime, we have to be active in the eyes of Ubuntu council, I
want them to see a super dynamic team that is active in the following

*** PLEASE READ: Anyone who wants to participate to any of these,
please reply to this thread, so that I can keep track of your
accomplishments and add it to a monthly report of activities for our
team. I will need your wiki username, your launchpad username and your
IRC nickname. Explain shortly what you will be doing. I expect to see
the same participation as the attendance :)

- The main activities are usually through
- bugs, translations and answers in english or greek or any other

- Translators: The easiest part of participation (and most valued) is
to translate chunks of text from english to greek or any other
language. We especially need quality translations from english to
greek. - check me out:

- Brainstormers: Another easy type of participation is to submit ANY
idea that you come up with at (just be
sure it's not a duplicate) - Let's make Ubuntu better and let them
know about it!

- Bug reporters: Try out the alpha versions of the forthcoming
releases and report at  - You can
check out my bug reporting:

- Bug triagers: Test out the bugs others report at

- Application developers: Register your application at launchpad  - You can also help develop an
application's code at bazaar

- Graphic designers:
      1) Start sharpening up those pencils for the next Ubuntu
release: - Get ready
to know the real power of artwork through open-source tools, like
Inkscape and GIMP.
      2) Show us YOUR design for a leaflet to promote Ubuntu - the
team could and will use it!
      3) Show us your spirit of open source and attach the svg source
(don't forget to license) so that other people and teams can use it.

- Blueprints: Design your own dreamy application or improve an
existing one - let others do the coding or implement the idea
yourself! All of these at -
check out my participation:

- Help around:
          1) Join  IRC network: Freenode server:
channels: #ubuntu #ubuntu-cy or #ubuntu-gr and help around people
facing problems with their Ubuntu installations. If you're testing a
pre-release of an upcoming Ubuntu release, join #ubuntu+1 as well!
          2) Answer or ask questions at launchpad: - Check my example:

- Spread Ubuntu: Yeah, we need you guys and girls to spread around a
good word about Ubuntu, prepare your family, your neighbour,  let them
know there's something else besides Microsoft out there, there's
something which they can also participate in and improve with their
suggestions. There's a lot of ways to improve them:
    1) Speed - Ubuntu supports x86_64 architecture, which means 64-bit
processors run a 64-bit software application. Most, if not all, Ubuntu
applications are 64-bit in specific disks entitled 64-bit, i.e.
ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso
    2) Free to copy! - No serials, no "windows genuine validation"
nagging, no spying!
    3) Community-driven - The community is the main and most powerful
part of the whole Ubuntu team, they lead the development, they pack
the packages, they provide users with easier installs.
    4) Stability - Ubuntu as a GNU/Linux distribution and a Debian derivative,
    5) Secure - As a Debian ( derivative, Ubuntu uses
one of the most secure distributions as its base to develop a server
or desktop system. Security updates are automatically installed since
Ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 - see: apt-cache show unattended-upgrades
    6) Frequent releases / Updated software - Ubuntu GNU/Linux use
updated packages with frequent releases every 6 months. Ubuntu Hardy
Heron 8.04 is a long term support release (LTS), which means it will
be supported for more than 1 year (specifically for hardy, 3 years for
desktop and 5 years for server).
    7) Demonstrate - Show them the fancy power of compiz-fusion -
Wiggle those windows, whirl the cube of desktops and play with fire!

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