<p dir="ltr">Thanks for this proposal Michael</p>
<p dir="ltr">On Sep 13, 2015 12:55 PM, "Michael Hall" <<a href="mailto:mhall119@ubuntu.com">mhall119@ubuntu.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> I'm starting a new thread because I don't want re-hash all of the<br>
> arguments from both sides. I firmly believe that everybody involved has<br>
> the best interests of Ubuntu at heart, but the discussion doesn't seem<br>
> to be making any progress towards a resolution.<br>
> With that in mind, this is a formal proposal to this list, and in<br>
> particular to the Community Council, to whom I am also sending a copy of<br>
> this for consideration.<br>
> Because the original intention of this new LP team was to aid in the<br>
> discovery and participation of the original mailing list, and because<br>
> the LP team has already been created, I propose that we leave it in<br>
> place with the following changes:<br>
> 1) Transfer ownership of the team to the Ubuntu Community Council, as<br>
> they are the right and proper authority to maintain a team who's purpose<br>
> is broadly applicable to the entire Ubuntu community. Anything claiming<br>
> to represent the whole community that does not have the approval and<br>
> support of the Community Council is simply not legitimate.<br>
> 2) Change the text in the description making is clear that the team<br>
> exists solely to aid in discovery by Launchpad users, and provide links<br>
> to existing community resources and communication channels. Then do not<br>
> use this team for registering blueprints, filing bug reports, or<br>
> anything else of that nature.<br>
> 3) Set the mailing list address for the team to be<br>
> <a href="mailto:ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com</a> so that we do not create yet<br>
> another list and in doing so split the conversations or lose the<br>
> existing ones. This should be announced to the launchpad mailing list<br>
> for this if it has already been created and used, then that list should<br>
> be closed down immediately after.<br>
> 4) Close membership to the team and remove any existing members. Sorry<br>
> to those who have already joined, but as has been stated already we have<br>
> no definition of what it means to be in "the Ubuntu community team" as<br>
> opposed to not in it, and no designated authority to oversee that<br>
> membership. As bad as it will look having closed membership, I think<br>
> it's even worse to leave it open without being clear what that<br>
> membership actually means. We already have other teams that are used to<br>
> grant access to various Ubuntu and/or Canonical resources, and I can't<br>
> think of any instance where such a broadly-defined team would be used<br>
> for that anyway.<br>
> 5) Change the team's logo either to the standard Ubuntu circle of<br>
> friends logo, or alternately to the "fishbowl" pictogram[1] that has<br>
> historically been used as a designation for the Ubuntu community.<br>
> These changes would provide the maximum benefit to discovery of our<br>
> existing community and it's resources, without causing a disruption to<br>
> those resources, and adding only a minimal amount of additional burden<br>
> on those responsible for maintaining them. I ask that the Community<br>
> Council consider this propose and, when they feel they have enough input<br>
> from the community at large, vote on it and enact is as soon as is<br>
> reasonable to avoid further disruption.<br>
> Finally, I would like to remind everybody in these conversation of your<br>
> obligations under the Ubuntu Code of Conduct[2], especially the parts<br>
> about being respectful and assuming good intentions. If people are upset<br>
> over something that you've done, don't challenge the legitimacy of those<br>
> feelings, but rather acknowledge that you have caused them and try to<br>
> make it better.<br>
> [1]<br>
> <a href="https://design.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/pictogram-community-orange-hex.svg">https://design.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/pictogram-community-orange-hex.svg</a><br>
> [2] <a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct">http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct</a><br>
> --<br>
> Michael Hall<br>
> <a href="mailto:mhall119@ubuntu.com">mhall119@ubuntu.com</a><br>
> --<br>
> Ubuntu-community-team mailing list<br>
> <a href="mailto:Ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com">Ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br>
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: <a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-community-team">https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-community-team</a><br>