GCI 2016

Walter Lapchynski bikefridaywalter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 16:57:02 UTC 2016

Happy to help in any way possible!

On Sep 12, 2016 9:02 AM, "Nicholas Skaggs" <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>

> Hello everyone. I've been contacted by a few folks from last year about
> helping and ramping up efforts this year. I've made a couple updates to our
> wiki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn. I would appreciate similar
> updates to the community.u.c site. wink wink Mr. Callé?
> The contest itself has yet to be announced by Google. I expect that will
> occur this month or early next with an application process wrapping up by
> Halloween. I am sending this mail as a way of allowing interested folks to
> speak up now and start planning, evangelizing, and organizing for the code
> in. We had a great year last year, and everyone involved should be proud.
> Still, as always, I think there are some opportunities for us to make it
> easier on our mentors and admins. So let's get the ball rolling. Who's
> interested in helping out this year as a mentor? As an admin? What areas
> would you like to focus on? Let's get hyped and start thinking about GCI!
> I would personally love to see another couple admins emerge to help smooth
> things out this year and share the workload.
> Nicholas
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