LoCos and social media

Miles msdomdonner at ubuntu.com
Thu May 19 19:22:29 UTC 2016

Hi everyone

We need to get together and try find a way to get all the social media
linked or in some way tied into the LoCo scene. I feel we are losing
many new members because of hangouts and facebook because peeps hangout
there and no one guides and supports potential new members. LoCos are
collapsing all over the world and that is the home of most new
beginners. Now they have nowhere to go other than #ubuntu. Many have no
idea on even how to find that channel. Surely together we can brainstorm
a way past these problems. To me personally the first thing is reviving
LoCos and motivating them again. No one is expected to leave other
social media. Can we please try and find some way to get everything
working towards one goal. Growing ubuntu.

Thank you

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