We now have a presence on Mattermost

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Wed Mar 30 19:29:50 UTC 2016

Hey everyone,

On 5 February 2016 at 10:51, Alan Pope <alan.pope at canonical.com> wrote:
> Since Jorge created an evil non-free Slack instance I felt compelled
> to set-up a unicorn filled Mattermost instance. ;)
> Just kidding, we're doing this to evaluate all the options, and we
> wanted to make sure the FLOSS ones we covered as well as the hipster
> Web 3.0 proprietary ones.
> https://mattermost.popey.com/ubuntu/
> Invite link (so anyone can join):-
> https://mattermost.popey.com/signup_user_complete/?id=1qpn9houn7r4mc5xc6ho9wt7se
> This is running on a small digital ocean droplet and isn't intended to
> be permanent (hence the use of my personal domain name). No guarantees
> of availability etc. It's not a central communication tool for the
> Ubuntu community, but just a test / playground.
> Feel free to join and test it out.

It's been nearly a month since anyone logged in to or spoke on this
mattermost instance. Is there anything else we need to do with or
learn from it, or shall I shut it down?

Do we feel we 'need' a mattermost instance?

Alan Pope
Community Manager

Canonical - Ubuntu Engineering and Services
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at canonical.com

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