Re: Wiki vandalism and performance 🖋

Jonathan Aquilina jaquilina at
Sun Jun 19 18:48:34 UTC 2016

Crazy idea here, 

Why not keep a copy of the wiki in git or something of the sort.  Anyone
that wants to make changes they make changes to the wiki on their local
system. they then push to the version control system, and then 

 someone who has the necessary commit rights can push the patches or
changes submitted then all one needs to do is pull the changes on the
live system. 

On 2016-06-18 16:24, Kus wrote:

> Perhaps we can have a way for anyone to propose changes then? We really aren't fixing any problems here. We're just shifting the burden of identifying useful/spam changes around. 
> Ubuntu isn't special. Spam happens everywhere. We're not solving any new problems here. I think we should look at what others are doing and adapt if we need to. 
> If we can't, the wiki shouldn't be a wiki. Might as well use WordPress or even Jekyll if only a few people should be able to edit.
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