Wiki vandalism and performance 🖋

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Wed Jun 15 16:10:48 UTC 2016


I was to ask about how to deal with the current attacks to the Ubuntu 
wiki, but I realized there is already plenty of information out there 
about the topic.

For example, the MediaWiki engine has plenty of tools and 
recommendations that seem good enough for neutralizing any attack:

- (
- (
- (

Moreover most of these countermeasures seem feasible to implement in the 
current Ubuntu wiki engine, and probably easier to maintain than in 


Reading the above links the only thing that seems really missing in the 
current engine is a public history log of all editions, with a 
comprehensive filter of it. For example only showing users with a few 

Then if someone sees vandalism, it could just click on a particular edit 
on the log for reporting to a moderation team. Then a moderator could 
ban by user name, and even by IP address if it is recurring.

Probably this feature alone will be good enough for stopping the current 


So the first question to answer seems to be which wiki engine is better 
for Ubuntu taking into account performance, maintainability and 
available anti-vandalism tools. And which employees will study and 
implement the changes needed.

Thanks for your attention.

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