Current wiki access status

Peter Matulis peter.matulis at
Fri Jun 10 17:02:01 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> I think Wikipedia is bigger than the Ubuntu help pages ;-)
> The problem is not the absolute size, but the size relative to the size of
> the 'admin patrol'. And obviously we have a big problem there.

A revealing comment that touches the central nerve of Ubuntu documentation
in its entirety. I myself pointed to Wikipedia (in yet another wiki thread)
about examples of counteracting vandalism but did not compare them as a
whole because I don't think the comparison is valid. If you want the Ubuntu
wiki to be as professional and successful as Wikipedia then you would need
the computing infrastructure (including IT personnel), extensive
administrative oversight (patrols), and donation drives that it has (and
probably other things I can't think of). We do not have that and probably
never will. In the slim chance that we do some day, what would become of
the actual Ubuntu documentation, the stuff on Why pour so
much resources into something that is not even deemed actual documentation?
It seems to me that a successful wiki and would need to
coalesce, which is fine by me if the quality is good. You would need to
consider translations however, and whether that would be achievable.
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