Current wiki access status

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Thu Jun 9 17:46:32 UTC 2016

Den 2016-06-09 kl. 19:35, skrev Gunnar Hjalmarsson:
> Sounds like some kind of "Ubuntu membership light". Show that you are
> trustworthy, and you'll get edit access. May put out the fire in the
> short term. As others have said, I agree it seems to be the best we can
> do at the moment.
> But whatever the solution will be, the requirements/criteria must be
> clearly disclosed IMNSHO. Just like the requirements for Ubuntu
> membership and membership of other moderated teams which give you access
> to various things.
> I can't help thinking of a consequence of this, which hasn't been
> mentioned yet. The community help wiki is huge, and one well known
> problem is that it contains a lot of outdated information.
> Sometimes we get requests for changes - via bug reports or mailing lists
> - to help wiki pages. Personally I have more often than not and up to
> now replied to such requests with: "It's a wiki. If you know how it can
> be improved, please go ahead and do it." How should we respond to such
> requests going forward?
> A wiki is a wiki is a wiki. As opposed to peer reviewed official
> documentation. But the community help wiki is not truly a wiki any
> longer, is it? And if not, what is it?
> What comes to mind is that it's suddenly even more important than
> previously to launch a plan for dropping outdated/unmaintained contents
> from the community help wiki. I'm assuming that it would be unrealistic
> that a small team of volunteers would have the time and knowledge
> necessary to keep help wiki pages, which were long ago abandoned by
> their creators, up to date.

I agree, Ubuntu membership light <--> Not truly a wiki

And we need a plan for dropping outdated/unmaintained contents in order 
to be able to focus on the important and the up-to-date wiki pages.

Best regards

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