Request for Ubuntu Doc Leadership

Elizabeth K. Joseph lyz at
Sat Jun 4 23:01:16 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 5:25 AM, Chris Perry <clissold345 at> wrote:
> Thanks for reminding us about these problems. In theory the problem
> with spammers attacking the wiki is surely solvable. I can't remember
> all the details of what happened. In the next day or two I'll check
> the email archive to remind myself what happened and write a quick
> summary. Then we can decide what to do next?

The problem with providing an example of one of our issues is that the
thread instantly diverges into solving that one, of many, current

Can we please talk about the specific wiki access issues in another
thread and bring this one back on the topic of lack of leadership in
the Doc Team and how to solve that? That is the underlying issue here
and I really don't want it to get lost again.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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