Ubuntu Code of Conduct: omissions and suggestions

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Thu Apr 7 06:27:02 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1

Alberto Salvia Novella wrote on 06/04/16 11:25:
> ...
> The truth is been a victim of harassment is a choice. There is no 
> reason to continue enrolling with someone who creeps you. You
> simply tell them you expect been treated well in any case, say bye
> bye, and go back to meaningful things.
> ...

That may work in some cases.

It wouldn’t work if the first incident by itself is bad enough to
discourage or drive away contributors. Maybe you can ignore it, but
you know some fraction of people won’t.

It wouldn’t work if the harassment is multi-modal. You /ignore someone
on IRC, they contact you via Launchpad. You block that e-mail address,
they post on your wiki page. And so on.

It wouldn’t work if the harassment is in person, for example at an UbuCon.

And it wouldn’t work if the harasser is in a position of power — for
example, the maintainer of a package you want to contribute to, or the
admin of a team you want to join.

- -- 

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