Ubuntu Code of Conduct: omissions and suggestions

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 10:25:03 UTC 2016

Matthew Paul Thomas:
 > No clear anti-harassment policy at all.

I think this is a very good idea. On the other hand harassment on the 
Internet has no impact if you know how to handle it, so probably 
instructing people on that would be even better.

The truth is been a victim of harassment is a choice. There is no reason 
to continue enrolling with someone who creeps you. You simply tell them 
you expect been treated well in any case, say bye bye, and go back to 
meaningful things.

That way you show bullies and yourself that been treated kindly does not 
depend on if what you do pleases them or not, but rather that it is an 
inalienable human right.

Most people will not do that because they consider impolite ignoring 
someone. Nevertheless harassment is not someone eventually getting 
annoyed, what can be solved by having a conversation. But them taking 
anger as a way of living.

And the only person that can fix that is themselves. Show them by 
leaving all the work to them. You will be surprised how fast people 
realize the nature of their manners, and becomes helpful.


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