The new Launchpad team is ready

Elizabeth K. Joseph lyz at
Sun Sep 13 04:30:36 UTC 2015

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Alberto Salvia Novella
<es20490446e at> wrote:
> We have finished setting up the new Ubuntu Community team page in Launchpad, and we even have a new branding for the team I hope you will like

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, who is "we"? I was one of the
founding members of this list and I have not been included in the
discussion of any of these changes you've made. This is extremely
disappointing and discouraging to me, and it's not how I'm used to
members of the Ubuntu community behaving.

We're the Ubuntu community team, so our branding is the Ubuntu logo, I
don't understand why we need a new logo. Can you explain your
rationale and proposal for a logo in a different thread?

> Nevertheless it seems that the current mailing list doesn't integrate with Launchpad too well compared with one generated by the platform. So I suggest that we all go to <> and subscribe to the new infrastructure.
> In the end we will have the same mailing list name, but with a different domain:
> From <ubuntu-community-team at>
> To   <ubuntu-community-team at>

Please disable this list ASAP. Having two lists active simultaneously
is very confusing and diverts our members and resources. And again I
have seen no public conversation about the proposal to move.

In place of the mailing list being active, for now you can set the
email address for the team to this mailing list:
ubuntu-community-team at (that's what all other teams do
that use and have a Launchpad page).

Once you've disabled the list, please send a mail to this list
*proposing* the change. Your proposal should include the following:

1. The specific problem you're trying to solve by asking everyone to
leave this list and use a new one

2. Benefits of using a Launchpad list rather than this established mailman list

We can then have a civil discussion about our options. Your unilateral
move to create a new mailing list without public discussion with
existing list members has clearly upset people. I don't blame them,
this is not how we typically operate.

> Additionally we should update references to this mailing list in other web pages. Do you know which pages could be those?

References are all over the community in places that can't be edited,
mailing lists, blogs, announcements and more. But we can discuss this
later in your proposal email.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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