Community Team Q&A Hangout Topics

Alan Pope alan.pope at
Tue May 5 15:44:45 UTC 2015


During the Community Roundtable at UOS we discussed getting input for
our regular Community Team Q&A hangout. The hangout happens each
Tuesday and rotates around those of us in the Community Team at

We generally answer questions posted over IRC, and sometimes get other
people on to talk about something interesting. We usually just
randomly pick people who are doing something fun or interesting and
ask them to chat to us for 20 mins or so and ask them questions posted
on IRC.

However wanted to put the call out to this list (and beyond) to see if
there's a particular topic we should get someone on to talk about.
Recently we've had Will Cooke on to talk about Ubuntu Desktop and
Michael Vogt & Martin Albisetti on to talk about Snappy.

What other topics should we find someone to talk about?

Alan Pope
Community Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at

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