Dialogue and moving forward
Jonathan Riddell
jr at jriddell.org
Mon Jun 22 09:01:09 UTC 2015
On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 04:57:03PM -0400, Charles Profitt wrote:
> > This makes zero difference, it is still putting the Ubuntu project's
> > name through the mud. I have never seen such bad people management in
> > any sphere of life.
> I would like to better understand the actual concern you have expressed
> here. "Ubuntu Project's name through the mud."
> How do you feel the post on the Fridge is worse than a blog post that is
> on the planet feed? [1][2] Or an interview on Linux Luddites? [3]
> >From my vantage point the press had the details on the situation and
> were publishing stories before the post was made to the Fridge.
> [4][5][6][7] Members of the Kubuntu community started a social media
> campaign over the Community Council's decision. [8] I am not sure if the
> post on the Fridge really stands out in regard to what you have claimed.
> As to the unnecessary and inflammatory extra you added about "never seen
> such bad people management in any sphere of life"; I wonder what value
> you felt this had in helping to move forward? For me this is another
> example of the type of communication which brought us to this place in
> the first place.
> I am hoping that the KC and others will be more willing to back away
> from inflammatory rhetoric and move forward, but I understand that will
> be more difficult if you continue to stoke the flames.
You need to stop trying to make me feel bad about pointing out problems in Ubuntu.
The CC is underminding what little credibility Ubuntu had as a project that welcomes community contributions.
It has 1) tried to make me stand down from a position that doesn't
exist. This shows a complete lack of understanding of how our
community works. It is not supported by any member of the Kubuntu
team and if you know anything about community or any sort of people
management it should be obvious that declaring something with zero
support will just make people move away.
2) Insulted me in open forums. In
Mark has called me "disingenuous, dishonest, untrustworthy and
unappreciative" it's completely untrue, childish bullying and not at
all backed up by the evidence the CC has posted. In the evidence you
posted there's even a quote that I would "you’d swear the CC sit
around doing nothing”, I have never sworn an oath in my life.
3) Posted this on a news site as if an internal argument is somehow
news. I have never ever seen any other organisation do this. It's
not a personal blog with its opinions or rants, it's posted as
official news. This needs to be removed if Ubuntu is to retain even a
shred of credibility.
Other than a few of Elizabeth's friends posting on this thread I've
seen precious little support for the CC or Ubuntu in public comments
on this topic, just compare the twitter tag #ISupportJonathan to the
failed attempt to undermine it with #ISupportCommunity. It gives me no
pleasure to see the reputation of Ubuntu self-implode like this.
I'll stop replying to this thread now, the CC need to work out a way
to save Ubuntu as a viable community project because I'm out of ideas.
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