Dialogue and moving forward

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sun Jun 21 21:33:57 UTC 2015

Paul Sladen wrote:

 > On Sun, 21 Jun 2015, Paul Sladen wrote:
 >> On Sat, 20 Jun 2015, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> > Paul Sladen wrote:
 >> I've tried adding a one-paragraph introduction to the mirrored copy
 >> on The Fridge, with a prominent link back to the original, at the
 >> top:
 >> Would you be able to have a look and see if that helps?
 > I received an off-list email reply (thank you).  On the basis of
 > that I have now amended the displayed author to be the default
 > Fridge Editors/"Ubuntu News Team" one, and made a note/revision
 > summary at the bottom:
 > Does this help?

It certainly clarifies the statement's origin.

I doubt many who read it will pause to appreciate just how generous the 
statement was in limiting the scope of its supporting citations to just 
a few, considering the many that might have been included.

Still, I agree it's better to err on the side of professionalism and 
understatement in such matters.

Those who've never had a kind word to say about the Ubuntu community are 
unlikely to do so in the future, so engaging beyond a certain point 
would be unproductive and ultimately distracting from the work both the 
Ubuntu and Kubuntu teams have at hand: building, supporting, and 
evangelizing great Linux distros.

Anyone sincerely interested in seeing an end to having the Ubuntu 
project's name dragged through the mud is free to lead by example.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems

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