Lessons from Ubucon : Canonical needs its own live events... Or not

Vincent JOBARD vinzjobard at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 16:01:33 UTC 2015

Le jeu. 17 déc. 2015 16:35, Michael Hall <mhall119 at ubuntu.com> a écrit :

> I just wanted to let you know that if you are an Ubuntu Member, and your
> company pays to send you to UbuCon Summit, they can be listed as a
> sponsor for the event, with their logo on ubucon.org. It's something to
> offer them (or any employer of an Ubuntu Member).

We really need to make a campaign to encourage people to involve into the
community and become official members, with all that kind of advantage.

Is there a page somewhere that resume all the advantage to become a member ?

I personally just do my application for membership because it's cool to
feel as someone involved, I never think about the benefits, but its could
help to encourage people

> Michael Hall
> mhall119 at ubuntu.com

Best regards,
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