Free Culture 16.04

Nathan Haines nhaines at
Wed Dec 16 17:53:01 UTC 2015

On 12/16/2015 08:57 AM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:

> I'm curious about why we don't go ahead and open for submissions
> starting about now, which gives 2 months for submissions to be created.
> We can then close judging a little earlier and make sure we have plenty
> of time to get it in before the freeze. Perhaps,

I'm not opposed to early submissions, but at the time [1] I felt it was 
not wise to try to have a submission announcement during all of the 
various winter holidays.  The groups are open and submissions are now 

I know that packaging the wallpapers can be done in about an hour, so I 
don't think I need extra time for packaging.  I'd set the submission 
schedule to work around my commitments for UbuCon Summit at SCaLE 14x.

 > Thoughts? Do we know who will be judging?

In wily, judges were chosen from prominent community members as well as 
the Canonical Design Team (which had one vote).


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu -

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