Doing More Community Team Hangouts

Elfy ub.untu at
Sat Dec 13 09:33:55 UTC 2014

On 12/12/14 21:54, Svetlana Belkin wrote:
> All,
> I was thinking about for most of the day after the Hangout that we had 
> at 1600 UTC.  I was thinking if we did more regular Hangouts on 
> planning and getting things done within the team, it would help us 
> more than just discussing it on the mailing-list.  Is this possible to 
> do or not?
The way I see hangouts is  you are always only going to be able to have 
people able to attend at a specific time. Not good for everyone else.

Mailing lists are usable by everyone when they're free.

IRC meetings work - they just need to be run properly and not have 
people just shouting things out.

There's nothing to stop a mailing list thread being about a very 
specific part of these discussions - and there's nothing to stop people 
taking actions away from them either.

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